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All About Round Peg Square Hole

I wanted to write this blog to talk about where we're at with everything at the moment.

I've slightly tweaked my super customer so wanted to share that here to see if it resonates with you...

Round Peg Square Hole (RPSH) is here for you if:

  • You realised you were an ADHDer when you were an adult.

  • You’ve spent most of your life feeling different, weird, stupid, lazy and a failure.

  • You’ve had many different jobs or started many different businesses, finding it hard to stick at anything once you get bored.

  • Unless it’s your thing (of the moment) and then you can hyperfocus on it, do loads of research, become obsessed, forget to eat and do anything else while you’re working on your thing.

Once you realised about your ADHD your whole life made sense.

  • You’re not stupid

  • You’re not lazy

  • You’re not a failure

  • You have an incredible brain and you are brilliant. You don’t fit into the norm and that is a good thing.

You’ve probably been masking all your life – changing how you behave and how you feel to fit in with what’s expected of you by society and family and friends.

Me too!

And it makes me angry, not scary angry, just angry enough to do something about it.

Round Peg Square Hole is here for you, if you recognise yourself in the above.

You don’t have to be officially diagnosed with ADHD. In the UK, the wait is currently 8 years for a diagnosis.

If you know, you know.

What does RPSH do?

1.        Signature course – online, in your own time (and I can remind you if that helps): Discover Your Extra Ordinary.

The first step to rediscovering you without the expectations of others, and looking at unmasking and embracing your ADHDness.

2.        Email list – free to subscribe. Free to unsubscribe at any time. No spam. Not regular, as and when (at the moment, you know, ADHD)

In your first email after subscribing you get a couple of freebies

a.        Masking 101 PDF – looking at what ADHD masking is about

b.        The exclusive Motivational Foldy Thing – based on that paper thing we used to fold  and play with – gives you options for when you’re stuck and aren’t moving forward with stuff.

3.        RPSH community membership.

This is launching in October 2024 during ADHD Awareness Month.

It is a place for you to be supported and accepted as you. A place to find your tribe. To be held accountable if you want. To celebrate your wins. To find a body double to help you do that stuff you really don’t want to do.

Just a safe place to be you.

There will also be a magazine and supportive text/What’s App messages if you want (after launch)

4.        There are other courses in the pipeline

5.        And some products coming too:

a.        Badges

b.        Prints

c.        Fidget stuff

d.        Who knows what else will come out of my head!


So we’d love to have you on board. Why don’t you sign up to the email list (in the footer) and see where that takes you.

Remember this:

“Don’t waste your time being what someone wants you to become, in order to feed their list of rules, boundaries and insecurities. Find your tribe. They will allow you to be you, while you dance in the rain:”  

Shannon L Alder


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